Latest version of Shape Editor:
Shapes 1.42 TLW744-3.
From Nonki Takahashi:
What's New in Shapes 1.42 :
- Supported cursor key to move a shape.
- New UI for consecutive shapes addition.
- Added instruction in save popup.
Now I'm writing a program named "Shapes Editor".
I'm going to introduce latest "Shapes Editor" in this thread.
This program helps to make shapes animation for your program.
If you have any comments, please let me know.
Sample output program (with modification) is uploaded as RQB683-1.
You can change the size of each shape:
You can rotate each shape:
You can cut and paste each shape:
You can read shapes from a file that is saved from the output of this editor:
You can also change pen width, pen color, and brush color for each shape.
It supports short cut keys for cut ([Ctrl]+X), copy ([Ctrl]+C), paste ([Ctrl]+V) and delete ([Delete]).
Zock77 drew this:
NaochanON made this:
Math Man made this:
Nonki is considering an animation program:
Thanks to Nonki for creating this fun drawing tool! This is so good that it should be bundled with SOMETHING!!! Maybe the Internet? =^)
- Ninja Ed