I'm naming this after the creator, NaochanON.
Play the game here:
It's a version of Pong, where you play against the computer, and then there's a barrier in the middle that's moving. Plus add the gameplay mechanic of the ball steadily speeding up and you have an addictive and challenging game!
From NaochanOn:
"My blog is "tajiriarabay.blogspot.com". (Written in Japanese. but you can understand program code. XD)"
From Jibba Jabba:
The program runs well - very smooth and playable.
Also liked how it was written, easy to read and learn from.
Thanks to Jibba Jabba for nominating the game here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/smallbasic/thread/c75994be-5ecd-4f72-83a5-39ce66ebadfb
- Ninja Ed