I wrote a bowling game program for Challenge of the Month – March 2017. So, today, I’d like to introduce how to write a bowling game in Small Basic.
Create Images
At first, I made two images – pin and ball. I drew them with PowerPoint shapes, grouped them and saved as picture files.
Draw Rough Game Scene
Secondly, I wrote a simple program to draw bowling graphics. The first program is GRT732. Pins are drawn with Shapes object, and others are drawn with GraphicsWindow object.
Write Animation Code
Then I wrote animation code for a ball and pins. The final animation program is GRT732-2. For pins animation, I changed to use Shapes object of the wall. Hit arrow keys to throw the ball.
Merge Code to Score
The other hand, once I’ve written a program VCR160 to calculate bowling score for Challenge of the Month – December 2014. So, I merge the code of scoring to the current bowling game. The program ID is GRT732-3.