These challenges from LitDev are intended for people who are learning to program for the first time or for those returning to programming who want to start using Small Basic. Some will be easy, some will be hard – but they will all make you think, and more importantly be GREAT FUN!
Please post your solutions / partial solutions / questions / feedback etc. into this thread that will remain ‘sticky’ for the month. The only rule is that your solution must use standard Small Basic methods (no extensions).
It would be good if people could post their problems with these challenges so that a discussion can start so that everyone can learn from each other.
We may extend these challenges over into a second month if solutions and questions are still coming in.
Array Challenge
- Write a program to split a sentence into an array of words
- Extend the program to sort the array or words alphabetically
- Extend the program to reverse the order of words in the array
TextWindow Challenge
- Write a TextWindow clock program
Maths Challenge
- Write a program to calculate e (base of natural logarithms) only using standard Small Basic
Graphics Challenges
- Write a program to flash some text for a period on the GraphicsWindow
- Extend the program to start and stop the flashing with a mouse click
- Write a program to scroll Flickr images across the GraphicsWindow
- Write a program to spell your name in sign language, with animations of the hads if needed
Game Challenge
- Write a ten pin bowling game
Community Suggestions
- Quilt Program (by Evelyn Rothman) LINK
- Perhaps show a national pattern for your country or area like KUMIKO or TARTAN.
- Driving a Golf Ball (by YLed) LINK
- Law of momentum (by YLed) LINK
Do you have an idea for a future challenge? Please post it here.
We’ll see you in the forum!
That’s Small and Basically it,
- LitDev
- Ninja Ed