I am giving a small presentation and project proposal to my computer science class regarding Small Basic.The following is my cover description:
Small Basic is a learner’s language meant for students ages 11-16, teaching the fundamental skills of programming, as well as laying groundwork concepts that will translate directly to VB and C#, in fact the IDE includes a function that will translate your code into VB, pointing out the analogs between the languages. It is unlike most of the applications we see that use blocks or pictures to explain programming and instead uses a reduced and simplified syntax. The intended use of Small Basic is as a stepping off point, entry level, into computer programming. After a few weeks of practice in SB you then move directly into VB from there. The current version has only 20 objects, limited to remain streamlined, but many people have provided extensions to enhance the language. I’d recommend to anyone who was curious about programming to try it out, given the the introduction takes about an hour to complete.