New Version 2.0 - Please download it here as part of the larger I/O Extension:
New features/changes to the Web Forms in version 2.0:
- Chart control
- Changed the class's name to "Forms" instead of "WindowsFormsForSmallBasic". There is an updated sample with ID: ZQX928.
The information is provided by the Extension creator, Gungan 37...
Hello guys! I have spent the past couple of days writing a new extension for Small Basic. Here is a screenshot of a program made with it:
The extension adds the following Windows Forms controls to Small Basic (** means that no other extension supports the control):
- Button
- RadioButton
- CheckBox
- Chart
- Label
- LinkLabel
- NumericUpDown
- DateTimePicker
- MonthCalendar
- ProgressBar
- TrackBar
- RichTextBox
- PictureBox
- MaskedTextBox
- NotificationIcon
- ComboBox
- TreeView
- ListView
Plus, it is 100% event driven! It is super easy to use! Just call WindowsFormsForSmallBasic.Setup() before you start and WindowsFormsForSmallBasic.InitializeForm() when all the controls are placed--- this shows the form and hands off control to it. You may not modify the controls after this or write any more code outside of the event handlers. However, your event handlers can preform these operations.
Here is a sample (outdated, for v1): HMD046
And download link for the extension (outdated, for v1):
Please ask any questions you make have and suggestions / bug reports in this forum thread.
Thank you to Gungan 37 by providing this extension to the Small Basic community! We'll dig deeper on the I/O Extension in later blog posts!
- Tall Basic Ed